To maintain the upkeep of our beautiful building and grounds Whaplode St Mary’s, as with other churches, totally rely on donations from visitors and attendees at services, planned regular givers and the tireless and enthusiastic work of volunteers who raise funds from events during the year.
The Parochial Church Council members are always greatly appreciative of everyone’s continued support.
However, they agreed that Whaplode St Mary’s move with the times for a new way of giving and registered with what is called The Parish Giving Scheme. It is a nationwide charity scheme operated as a partnership between Church of England Dioceses and has been proved that it helps treasurers and the church as a whole and is easy, straight forward, more professional and no cost to the church to operate. Anyone with a bank account is eligible.
How it works is that the donor (you as a giver) completes a form for their regular donation to be paid by Direct Debit. The Parish Giving Scheme will collect the said donation on the 1st of the month, whether it is monthly, quarterly or annually, from the donor’s bank account and will process the gift aid entitlement (if you are a UK taxpayer) for Whaplode Church. Your donation will be paid into the church’s bank account by the 10th of the month and the Gift Aid paid into the same bank account later in the month.
Information packs with the Direct Debit Forms are available and can be asked for or picked up in the Church. Leaflets are enclosed in these packs explaining more about the Scheme.
If anyone thinks that they would like to join us with the Giving Scheme but are unable to come into the church then you may use the link to register, or you can access the PGS website for mor information.
The PGS has also announced the launch of a new telephone service with effect from 27th April 2020 and will operate weekdays between 9 – 5 pm. This is designed to enable prospective donors to set up a regular Direct debit donation to our Parish over the phone. The dedicated telephone line number is 0333 002 1271
Once you either telephone or access the link to register you will be asked for the following information:-
Church / parish name? Answer Whaplode St Mary
PGS Parish Code? Answer 210621105
In the village/town/city of? Answer Whaplode
In the Diocese of? Answer Lincoln
Donations will and can still continue to be made in Church as usual i.e. Donation box, gift aid envelopes (very important if you are a taxpayer so that we can reclaim the 20% Income Tax paid on any donations made) and collection plate.
Giving maintains our much- loved building and the work of its volunteers so that the whole community can benefit from it. Giving also pays the Parish Share which contributes towards the stipends and living costs of our paid clergy.
Many thanks for everyone’s generosity in their giving for which Whaplode St Mary’s PCC and villagers will always be eternally grateful.