Our roots are ancient, but our outlook is modern. We are a Christian community seeking to live out our faith in service to the three village communities which make up our parish.
We are a diverse group of people from many different walks of life, backgrounds and cultures. We enjoy gathering for worship and journeying together in our discipleship. We seek to be a place of welcome to all who come to us, whether you are a regular churchgoer or an occasional visitor.
We meet up afterwards in our Heraldic Suite in church for refreshments and a chat.
Our Priest in Charge is Reverend Alistair Ward,
Please contact email: elloestone@ gmail.com
Telephone 01406 704442
we also have local Ministers who are taking some of our Services, including Reverend Barbara Hutchinson.
Angela became Churchwarden in April 2019. As Churchwarden Angela works closely with the Vicar to ensure that the church’s mission and ministry are able to happen.
Contact; email stmaryschurchwhaplode@gmail.com